Thursday, 7 March 2013

Evaluation 2

How does your film opening represent particular social groups?

My film opening focuses on three social groups as it follows three different characters in the opening. The first character it follows is the girl, played by Morgan. Her social group is a middle class white girl. I borrow ideas from noire films and she is the fem fatale of the film. Yet i've tried to put a spin on this stereotype by going slightly over the top on her. I added the bright red lipstick to highlight her social group and the fem fatale stereotype. It also contrasts well with her pale skin and blonde curly hair which gives it an unnatural feel. The girl is seen as a victim at first but when you see her smile and you see that she has the power in this situation you feel less sorry for her and class her more as a villain, but perhaps not as much as the actual villain at the computer. Along with the graphic effect i've put onto the film I think this portrays her social group well whilst also adding a twist to it.

The second character is the detective. He is of a lower class than the girl and we can see this because he is coming to her for help and he is dressed mysteriously and you can't see his face. She is also smiling when she whispers something in his ear and he stays serious and starts to run away, like it's just a game to her and he is taking it seriously. His social group is also shown by the fact no one sees him until right at the end and he works alone. This character at first because you don't know why he's following the girl you see him as a villain but it changes once she smiles at him and he starts to run and you can tell he's a good guy detective, his clothing also helps this. He is below most of them in class but he is also above them in status because he wins in the end.

The last character is the villain. He is also middle class and above the girl shown because he is watching her on the cctv. He's definetely above the detective as well in class but he is below him in status because in the end he dies by the detective's hand. His costume is smart but casual enough that he knows he doesn't have to dress up and make an effort because he is so far up the ladder he doesn't have anyone to impress. Unlike the girl who has to dress fairly smart and attractive to impress him. This character unlike the others is seen throughout the entire opening as a villain. From the start you see he's the bad guy and when you see his emotionless expression at the end before he dies you don't particularly feel sorry for him and you get a sense he deserves it. The main way in which the social groups are shown is through costume.

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