I will have two main actors and one side actor. The two main actors will play the detective and the villain, the side actor will be the girlfriend of the villain who looks for a way out through the detective.
The actor playing the detective will be Leo Dutton. He looks tall and well built much like the detective would be. He has quite a young voice but with not much dialogue it wont matter. He will be good for the part because his look could go with that of a detective if he wears a suit, long coat and hat.
The actor playing the villain will be Joe Hill.
However you don't see his face or hear his voice as he sounds and looks quite young. I will shoot all scenes with him in shadows so you don't see his face fully. I will use a different voice for the villain which will be added later.
The actor playing the girlfriend of the villain will be a girl who has that "sexy" feel, who is a bad girl but she is looking for a way out and you can tell she isn't completely a villain.
At the moment the actor i'm thinking of playing this role is Morgan Macgregor.
As she has really light blonde hair which i think will be powerful with red lipstick as her hair and her lipstick will stick out from the plain dress or costume i will put her in.
The actor playing the villain will be Joe Hill.
However you don't see his face or hear his voice as he sounds and looks quite young. I will shoot all scenes with him in shadows so you don't see his face fully. I will use a different voice for the villain which will be added later.
The actor playing the girlfriend of the villain will be a girl who has that "sexy" feel, who is a bad girl but she is looking for a way out and you can tell she isn't completely a villain.
At the moment the actor i'm thinking of playing this role is Morgan Macgregor.
As she has really light blonde hair which i think will be powerful with red lipstick as her hair and her lipstick will stick out from the plain dress or costume i will put her in.
The first main character is the detective. He will wear a suit and a long trench coat much like rorschach from watchmen, he will also wear a hat like a trilby, again like rorschach. He will be a cop but not by law and he doesn't quite abide by the laws, not that you would see much of this in the opening two minutes. He is easily seduced by this girl character who is perhaps the girlfriend of the villain. He wants to help her out of the mess she got herself into, however the villain will try and take her back and stop the detective from stealing her and killing him. The second main character is the villain, he will wear a suit with a bright yellow tie, this colour will be brought out massively when in the editing process. The rest of his costume can be just a plain black or grey suit and shiny black shoes. In most of the scenes he will be sitting at a desk in the dark, as you don't see his face, either drinking or smoking. You see everyone else in the scene but him. He is a villain and what he does in the business could be vague but you can tell he is very rich and powerful, he could own a bar or a club, which would be hard to do as i would have to find someone who owns a bar. He could also be in the gambling business or drug smuggling. The last character i will use is a girl for a side role. The girl will be the girlfriend of the villain and will want to escape via the detective. She will work for the villain and in one of the first shots you see her doing business with the villain. Later on she will meet the detective and he will be easily seduced by her and she will later convince him to get her out of her mess. She will also wear something bright, like a red scarf or bright red lipstick, which will stand out much more after editing, the rest of her outfit can be grey or black.
The picture to the left will be the end result i will be looking for, for the girlfriend of the villain. She will be sexy looking and look bad but not completely. The red lipstick will be highlighted in the editing, or red scarf / dress. This will be the same with the yellow tie of the villain and the of the detective
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