Tuesday 11 December 2012

Short recce of lighting + sound

Above is a short recce me and my classmates did. We learnt how to use a directional mic, and made some errors for instance not having the levels high enough. We learnt how to sync the sound with the clapper board. We also learnt how to light certain scenes. There were a lot of errors in this but we have learnt from them and will hopefully be more prepared for the final piece.

Monday 10 December 2012

Sound Planning

For my sound I will have lots of diegetic sound in the background. Most of this will be picked up by the mics and the camera I use so I wont have to worry too much about that. I will also have the sound of conversation between the detective and either the villain or the girl. For this I will have to use different kinds of mics. For the scene between the detective and the girl in the alleyway I will have to either film it twice and use a mic that's in shot for some of it. I could however use a directional mic for when there's a close up of the girl and she speaks as we will be able to hide the directional mic from the shot. For the scene between the detective and the villain I will use a directional mic as I will be able to hide the directional mic from shot.

I will also have some non-diegetic sound. For instance near the end when you hear a gunshot I will add that in later, in editing. This can be found on final cut so I wont have to worry about that.
I'd also like a soundtrack for the background of most of the film. This will be hard to find as it will have to be copyright free. I will have to look on copyright free sites such as:



I will find something similar to the songs below, which are uploaded and made by youtubers but as I can see from the comments other people have been asking if they can use it in a film and he has replied that they can so I could potentially ask if I can use it in the actual film.

I like these songs because I think they'll go with the feel of the film.

Sunday 9 December 2012

Locations - Alleyway + Building - Video

This is the video in which I talk about two of my locations, the alleyway and the building.

Locations - Alleyway - Pictures









These are the pictures of the alleyway i'm using.
I have spoken more about the location during the video of the alleyway and the building.

Locations - Building - Pictures





These are the pictures of the building
I have spoken more about the location during the video of the alleyway and the building.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Film industry 4

Q1. What are the main genres produced by the UK film industry in the last 25 years? Try and think of some more recent examples from the last few years. Who do you think goes to see these types of films?

The main genres produced are action films, and rom coms. Teenagers mostly go to see these types of films and maybe some slightly older audience, 15-25 would be the main age gap.

Q2. DNA films last two productions were Dredd 3D (2012) and Never Let Me Go (2010). What kind of films are they? How are they different from earlier films? Have they been successful at the box office?

They're both science fiction drama films. They both did pretty well in the box office and they are different from earlier films because they're more futuristic.

Q3. Summarise in your own words what kinds of films Momentum Pictures look to distribute and why?

They look to distribute thrilling and gripping films that are interesting to their audiences. Most of the films they're distributing at the moment are thrillers but with some comedy or drama. They mainly produce big films that make a lot of money but are possibly slightly less well known about.


Monday 3 December 2012

Graphics Planning

Opening Credits Planning

For my opening I wish to have the title sequence at the end. After the climatic scene of the gunshot and the door slamming the screen will go to blackout. The title will then come into view and then it will fade into the next scene and the opening credits will be on the side of the shots. These shots are of the girl in the film, Morgan, walking along the streets.

The opening credits above are from the TV show the walking dead. This is the kind of thing I would like to create. Obviously there wouldn't be as many shots or as many credits but the quick succession of shots with the credits to the side or above the main part of the shot is what I would like to create.

The above credits are from the film Panic Room. The opening credits in this film are also to the side of shots, however these are all of building and the city. I would like to have something like this except the shots I would have to make would be from ground level.

In conclusion I wish the title to enter from a blackout at the end of the computer room scene and then the opening credits to be present to the side or above the main part of the shot in the next few shots. These shots will be of the girl walking the streets during the day and possibly buildings and parts of the city.

Ident planning

Most idents, like bbc one and channel 4 look really professional and would be very difficult for someone like me to pull off. Because of this i'm looking to do one similar to that off an indie cinema or a perhaps simpler one that's still used by a big company. The ident below is from new line cinema. It looks slick and smooth and is a lot simpler than bbc one or channel 4. Something like this will still be hard to do but not as hard as that of bbc one etc.

I am going to animate the ident myself and so I will have limitations as my skills in this area aren't that of professional standard. There are other options for the ident but these also have their limitations (for instance real life shots with special effects put in). I think I could make something similar to that of the ident above if I practised with animations.

Above is an animation I created using a program called pivot and converted into a .gif format. This program was very simple to use and the ident didn't take that long to do. This is however just a recce and when I create the ident i'm going to use I will spend a lot more time on it and make it look much more professional. I think the ident below however is a very good start and looks quite like something I would want to do.